
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A feather in his cap

I thought it was about time to end the suspense: Tim is not lying sick in bed, moaning with pain, delirious from fever. He is alive and well. In fact, he has been up and at 'em for the past couple of days and, despite Eleanor's consistent 2 am wake up, fairly well rested.

Our thanks go out to all of you who commented, emailed, or called to express your concern for Tim (and me).  Tim has offered to get malaria every five weeks for the rest of the year if it means that Eleanor and I never have to experience it. How's that for selfless? Although, I do think there's a little sense of pride about this recent illness as well; Tim's adviser even assured him that this qualified him as a "proper field geographer." What started as a pain in his ass seems to have turned into a real feather in his cap.


  1. Thanks Frances, glad to see you're out there reading!

  2. I just have to say that this is one honor I'm totally willing to let Tim have! Dad

  3. Unfortunately for him, I completely agree!
